Charity For Israel: Your Consideration Matters

According to statistics, approximately 8.3 percent of Israeli families experience mild food insecurity. Food insecurity is defined as a situation in which a family is unable to purchase or manage meals that meet their nutritional needs in terms of both quality and quantity. Food insecurity can sometimes last for a long time as a result of financial hardship. Almost 10% of the population suffers from severe food insecurity.
Charity For Israel: We Are Working Hand To Mouth
We at Meir Panim are dedicated to assisting 10.6 percent of individuals who are food insecure. We work with local communities and do everything in our ability to assist and reduce their food needs by providing them with food security. Because we are dedicated to charity for Israel. Anyone is welcome to eat at Meir Panim’s dining centers. Hundreds of people come to our dining facilities every day to have hot, tasty, and healthy meals delivered by a waiter in a restaurant-like setting.
Give Your Helping Hand and Charity For Israel Now
At Meir Panim, we look after children, the elderly, and anybody else who needs help, notably during the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns. We went ahead and held hands with hungry and distraught folks when everyone else was keeping their distance to preserve their lives. Despite the fact that our Or Akiva branch is closed on Fridays, we decided to keep it open because the number of people in need was increasing. We gave out Shabbat dinners, challah, and candles so that everyone could enjoy the benefits of a lovely Shabbat!
So come forward and do charity for Israel now!