Organize Data with Tables and Lists in Excel

Organize Data with Tables and Lists in Excel

Do you need to get started with Excel but don’t know where to begin? You’re not alone. Many people feel overwhelmed when they first open up Excel because it looks like a foreign language. But never fear! This beginner’s guide will teach you the basics of Excel so that you can start using it for your work or studies right awayexcel at (excel bij

Excel Basics: Introducing the Ribbon, Cells, and Columns/Rows

When you open up Excel, the first thing you’ll see is the ribbon. The ribbon is the bar at the top of the page that contains all of the different features and options that you can use in Excel. On the far left side of the ribbon, you’ll see the File tab. This is where you can access all of the different options for saving, opening, and creating new Excel files. 

To the right of the File tab, you’ll see a series of tabs labeled Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review, View, and so on. Each of these tabs contains different options that you can use in your Excel spreadsheet. For example, under the Home tab, you can find options for changing the font size or adding shading to cells. 

Next to each option on the ribbon, you’ll see a small icon. If you hover over an icon, a tooltip will appear that explains what that option does. So if you’re ever unsure about what a certain option does in Excel, just hover over its icon to get more information. 

Now let’s take a look at cells and columns/rows. A cell is where you enter data into your spreadsheet—think of each cell as its own little box. Data can be text, numbers, or even formulas (more on those later). To enter data into a cell, simply click on it and start typing. 

Columns are the vertical sections in an Excel spreadsheet (they go from top to bottom), while rows are the horizontal sections (they go from left to right). You’ll notice that each cell has a column letter and row number next to it; for example, in Figure 1-1 below, cell A1 is located at the intersection of column A and row 1. 


Excel is a powerful tool that can be used for everything from personal budgeting to complex data analysis at large businesses. But when you’re just getting started with Excel, it’s important to take things slow and learn the basics before moving on to more advanced features. This guide has hopefully given you a good foundation upon which to build your Excel skills—now it’s time to start playing around with spreadsheets and seeing what they can do!

Alex Watson